Looking for excellent contraptions and mods to play in Scrap Mechanic? Search no more! Rbl SF K: MStd CK: MStd (Decoy) Esc: 18-18, 40s S: 4-4, Nothing ] (Note, the decoy has a ',' in the text.This is an unofficial Contraptions and Mods for Scrap Mechanic.MFuel, +10 Hull, Crystal Vengeance Augment.] | 2 Boarders, Prt SF DR | 2-4 Boarders, Enemy ASB ] or Nil.For reference, here is a list of all Quest beacon outcomes: To save space, Quests are generally tagged by name and not outcome.

Std: Standard Rewards (Scrap + 2 random resources + small chance of augment/weapon/drone).PZtn, PRck - Pirate class Zoltan/Rock ship etc.Auto - Auto assault or scout class ship.The worst that can happen will be a ship fight. x2, x3: Number of times an identical event is in the event pool.CB+/-: Whether clone bay revives(+) or not (-) lost crew.|: 'or', the game will choose one of these outcomes.Or: You will be offered a choice between outcomes.You will get this reward regardless of how the ship is defeated Languages other than English aren't supported.Breaches are then rolled for should fires fail. The chances are 'on-roll' rather than 'on-hit'. Weapon effect chances are 'as is' from the XMLs.I'm unsure what the 'chance', 'min', 'max', and 'timer' values actually mean for surrenders and escapes, but have tagged them anyway 'as is' from the XMLs.

For example the outcomes of the real/decoy Rebel ship fights in the Engi Homeworlds quest, or the 'moon counting' event.

It allows you to open a stack of Scrap at a time when right clicking.